Saturday, September 13, 2014

Every Day Is a Good day, Some are Just Better Than Others

''Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.''
- Winston Churchill

Quite some time ago, I wrote a post about the most positive elderly grocery clerk that I encountered at my grocery store. I don't see him too much anymore, because he must work during the day only. Well, today I stopped by the Safeway to pick up some things for a Christmas party during the day.

I saw my favorite grocery clerk, Paul, once again. He is still working bagging groceries and still insisting on carrying out my bags. He wanted me to be able to enjoy the coffee that I just bought! Now, if you read my post link above, you will know that Paul is at least 80, slurs his speech and has had some brain surgery.

It wasn't until today that I learned exactly what he has been through. This made me appreciate him even MORE!

I asked him if he liked the smell of the bread baking throughout the store and he told me that he no longer has the sense of smell since he had his brain tumor. I asked how long ago his tumor was removed and he said, "Which one?"

He proceeded to tell me that he has had FIVE brain tumors with the first one appearing in 1981. He said he lost his smell, his vision in one eye, 80 Percent of the vision in the other eye and his hearing. He said he now has "mechanical ears." He also lost his sense of taste and had to re-learn so many things. He explained that is why his speech is slurred.

I told him he seems to be doing well now. His response was the same as it was months ago when I first met him- "Every day is a good day, some are just better than others."

He reminds me once again that Attitude is EVERYTHING!!! 

(Kristi DeFazio is a Realtor in Colorado Springs)

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