Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Millie Loves Bingo!

Millie Loves Bingo!

Millie says ''Let's go for a ride...
Please come and sit right by my side.''
We'll watch numbered balls spin in the tumbler
Will it be our lucky number?

Twenty four numbers and one free space
Mike and Millie find their place
Expecting to win if we are able
With al those cards on the table

With great anticipation we quietly sit
Gaining confidence Millie smiles a bit
It's very quiet then you see the ball
As you nervously wait to hear it called

The caller says B11 loud and clear
That number you have been waiting to hear
You rise to your feet and shout out loud
BINGO!! BINGO!! Millie's mighty proud...

Jealous players follow you with solemn eyes
As you cheerfully claim the winning prize
My Millie just thinks of bingo and the chance to win
And it makes her smile one big BINGO grin...

June 25, 2014

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