Thursday, February 06, 2014

Not to Worry

Mike Corthell, Editor

Here is a not so secret formula for putting an end to fear and worry in your life…

First, Close the door to yesterday and tomorrow.  Live today, and have no anxiety over the past or the future.“Take therefore not thought for the morrow; for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.  Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.”

Lead, kindly light…Keep thou my feet:  I do not ask to see the distant scene;  one step is enough for me”

Everyday is a new life to a wise man”

Happy the man, and happy he alone, He, who can call today his own: He who, secure within, can say: “Tomorrow, do thy worst, for I have liv’d today”

How strange is our little procession of life!  The child says, ‘When I am a big boy.’  But what is that?  The big boy says, ‘When I grow up.’  And then, grown up, he says, ‘When I get married.’  But to be married, what is that after all?  The thought changes to ‘When I am able to retire.’  And then, when retirement comes, he looks back over the landscape traveresed; a cold wind seems to sweep over it; somehow he has missed it all, and it is gone.  Life, we learn too late is in the living, in the tissue of every day and hour.” – Stephen Leacock

Think that this day will never dawn again.  Life is slipping away with incredible speed.  We are racing through space at the rate of nineteen miles every second.  Today is our most precious possession.  It is our only sure possession” – Dante

After you are sold out to living for TODAY, take the next four steps to end fear and worry forever!
1)  Analyze and verbalize what it is specifically that causes you fear and worry.  Say it aloud and write it down.  You may have more than one thing…say them all and write them all down.
2)  Determine what would be the absolutely worst thing(s) that could possibly happen if your fears became reality.  Most of our fears NEVER become realities, but we need to take ourselves down the path to see the worst possible outcome.
3)  Resign to accept the worst possible outcome if necessary.  Say to yourself…”Ok…there is a chance that this may happen.  This would be the absolutely worst thing that could happen, and I am going to be fine if does happen.”  Even if the worst thing that could happen is death, accept it and continue on to the next step.
4)  Devote your time and energy to improving on the worst possible outcome which you have already accepted mentally.  You have decided that you are good with the worst…now let’s get busy improving upon it!  But wait you say…my worst possible outcome is death!  Fine.  You have accepted that you will die if the worst possible outcome occurs.  We all die.  Now get busy making the best of today while you are alive!

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